Working As A Head Developer | Meet Lassi
As much as we love our customers, we value our employees even more. Without our hard-working and eager staff, Zervant wouldn’t exist and entrepreneurship wouldn’t be the same for our loyal customers. But who are these people behind the invoicing software taking over Europe?
One of them is Lassi, our devoted lead developer, who also happens to be Zervant’s first employee.
It all started with a 3-month work contract that eventually extended into 9 years
I was working in a “traditional”, in other words, old-fashioned organisation, where everything had been done the same way for ages. I met Mattias and Tuukka (Zervant’s CEO and COO) through friends when they were just starting with Zervant. I wanted to take the chance to work in a startup so I agreed to help them for three months – nine years later, I’m still here.
You started as a Front End Developer, now you’re our Lead Developer. How has your work changed?
Previously, I was mainly responsible for certain technical aspects of the software. I was coding the part that users see in the product.
Now, as a Lead Developer, I work with everyone in the company. My responsibility changed from a purely technical one to supporting everyone, who needs help with technical matters regardless if it’s our software, website or anything else. On top of that, I also make sure that our developers have the best possible working conditions to do their job.
In short, I went from being in charge of one technical part of the software to ensuring that we work together as a team. Coding is a team effort after all. The programmers and testers at Zervant are very talented and extremely motivated and cooperation is an essential part of what we do here at Zervant.
Talking about teamwork: What’s the best thing about working at Zervant?
It’s not the technology that makes the company, it’s the people. What I love about my job is that I get to work with everyone in the company, and thus have the brightest minds working together with me. I can draw inspiration from them and hopefully they from me as well.
What are you passionate about?
I play the flute, the violin and the piano. I have diverse interest and I’m passionate about a lot of things or let’s say, I have something to say about everything. I remember this one time in university when the professor asked the class if someone has something to say on that matter. Someone in the far back corner shouted: “Yeah,” pointing at me, “he always has an opinion!”
Which four individuals, dead or alive, would you like to invite to a dinner party?
I’d like to put Buddha, Confucius, Jesus and Muhammad at one table and let them have a discussion. I don’t necessarily have to be involved, I’d prefer to observe the dinner conversation. I just want to know what’s causing the problems between religions, between nation, between people. Is all of this really the way they intended it to be?
Some food for thought for all of us. My very last question, before I let you get back to work again: Why should job seekers consider working for Zervant?
The exciting part about going forward is that we have room to wiggle and try out different things. We do things, we fail, we stand up again and we try a different approach. We have the freedom to experiment.
Thank you, Lassi for this interview and for the great work you’re doing here at Zervant!