The Entrepreneur’s Work-Life Balance | An Infographic
Entrepreneurship can rapidly become overwhelming if a healthy work-life balance is not maintained. Therefore, keeping a harmonious lifestyle is essential for entrepreneurs. Our infographic shows how to maintain a good work-life balance for entrepreneurs.
Jack Dorsey is somewhat of a model entrepreneur. He’s the brains behind Twitter AND Square. Not one, but two hugely successful businesses. All that and he only works eight hours a day.
Well, eight hours a day at each company! (though we’re sure that he’s mastered the art of business automation).
For many entrepreneurs, working 8 hours of the day is simply not enough to achieve their goals – especially when small business owners are working harder now to stay afloat during the pandemic. Consequently, to follow their dreams many entrepreneurs have to work up to 16 hours a day, à la Dorsey. But at what cost?
In this infographic, we gathered various statistics about entrepreneurs and how entrepreneurship impacts their health and well-being in general. We gathered statistics about the following:
- Number of weekly working hours
- Holidays and annual leave
- Working time
- The physical and mental well-being of entrepreneurs
Besides, the infographic includes insights about the cause and effect of stress as well as tips to cope with stress and increase the well-being of entrepreneurs.
Table of Contents
Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs Infographic

If you found this infographic useful, we’ve also looked at the difference between men and women in entrepreneurship.
Reducing the Stress in Running a Business
If you’re the type of person that takes on a lot of responsibilities then finds themselves bogged down under an unmanageable workload, the best advice we can give you is to be prepared.
How does one get prepared? You can start by checking out some of these articles:
– How to write a business plan with a free business plan template
– How to set up a good business operating model
– Organise your sales process with free estimate management and sales email templates
We read through a lot of information to put this infographic about work-life balance for entrepreneurs. Some really useful and interesting, some less so. But we thought it would be handy to list all the sources we cited in our infographic, should you want to read up on them.
– stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx
– www.inc.com/news/articles/200604/overworked.html
– www.simplybusiness.co.uk/knowledge/articles/2017/07/metro-bank-survey-says-over-a-million-self-employed-dont-take-lunch-breaks/
– www.freshbusinessthinking.com/70-of-small-business-owners-prefer-to-do-everything-themselves/
– www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/04/08/mapped-the-countries-with-the-most-holidays/
– www.ondeck.com/vacation-study
– www.startupgrind.com/blog/genius-in-madnessy-72-of-entrepreneurs-affected-by-mental-health-conditions/
– www.score.org/blog/how-hard-small-business-owners-work
– www.healthline.com/health/stress/effects-on-body